What You Need To Know About Omega-3 Fish Oils For Cardio Protection & Improved Heart Health.
September 30, 2020 2020-09-30 9:31What You Need To Know About Omega-3 Fish Oils For Cardio Protection & Improved Heart Health.

What You Need To Know About Omega-3 Fish Oils For Cardio Protection & Improved Heart Health.
A new analysis by The Mayo Clinic proves the link between omega-3 fish oil and heart health. Here’s what you need to know about supplements.
Can fish oil improve heart health? Increasingly, science is proving the efficacy of fish oil for cardiovascular protection. It’s news worth paying attention to, and here’s why: Although there are many important factors to wellness and balance, heart health is undeniably one of the most important. Cardiovascular issues are the cause of 7.4 million global deaths per year. But how do you maintain cardiovascular health? Regular exercise and a moderate diet that limits saturated fats are two key behaviors you can incorporate into your routine today. Of course, it’s also important to talk with your doctor about the best plan for your specific needs, family and personal history, and wellness goals.
Diet and exercise aren’t the only ways to heart health. Have you considered taking supplements? With so many over-the-counter options available, it can be confusing to choose the right ones. Which supplements work? Which are safe? What are the best supplements for heart health?
To help us answer these questions, we look to science: Research and industry studies are crucial for sorting fact from fiction. A recent analysis from The Mayo Clinic proves the link between omega-3 fish oil and improved heart health. This finding confirms research completed in 2019 by The Harvard School of Public Health. Here’s what you need to know about using fish oil supplements — and how to fit them into your personal wellness routine.
What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?
What makes fish oil supplements so powerful? The presence of omega-3 fatty acids. These naturally-occurring long-chain compounds are found in foods — most commonly seeds, such as flax, as well as in seafood. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital in many bodily functions, including cell membrane structural makeup, caloric energy for bodily processes, and proper functioning of the endocrine, nervous, and cardiovascular system.
Natural Sources Of Omega-3
Flaxseeds and fish, such as salmon, are popular choices for food-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Here are some of the most common ingredients that contain high levels of omega-3s:
- Chia seeds
- Walnuts
- Seed oils, such as canola
- Oily fish, such as sardines and mackerel
What Are Fish Oil Supplements?
Although it is possible to consume omega-3’s from food sources, many people consider a supplement to be the best and most efficient way to consume fatty acids. It’s not always realistic to prepare a variety of heart-healthy foods each day. Personal taste and/or dietary restrictions or allergies may also factor into your ability to eat omega-3-rich foods.
Fish oil supplements are made of extracted and concentrated fish oil, which is a potent delivery system for the fatty acids. They’re a pure and concentrated way to ensure you’re meeting your daily required value.
How To Take Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements
It’s best to talk to your doctor about the best dosage of fish oil for you, but it is recommended to consume 1,000-2,000 mg per day for optimal cardiovascular benefits. This amount exceeds what most people consume through natural dietary choices, which makes fish oil supplements an ideal way to bridge the gap.
Unlike a can of anchovies, fish oil supplements are mostly tasteless, and simple to take. Most are available in pill form, and some can even be taken as gummy snacks or concentrated liquids. Most research confirms that it’s most effective to take fish oil supplements daily. With vitamins, before bed, or with a meal are all fine options — the important thing is to dose with consistency. Some consumers feel that taking fish oil with food is ideal for absorption, and to minimize potential side effects such as acid reflux.
Are Fish Oil Supplements Safe?
Overwhelmingly, research confirms that fish oil supplements are safe. Once you’ve confirmed with your healthcare provider, it’s time to compare fish oil supplements. General research suggests starting at 1-gram doses, but you may use more or less, depending on your unique needs and what your doctor suggests.
Side effects and potential complications are generally minimal, although high doses may be problematic, especially for those with compromised immune systems.
Is an omega-3 fish oil supplement right for your wellness routine? Overwhelmingly, science says Yes. It’s a relatively inexpensive, widely accessible way to feel your best and protect yourself from heart disease. Are you curious about the variety of over-the-counter fish oil supplements? To learn more, and find the right option for you, call the team at Holt’s Pharmacy at (844) 200-8555, or visit our website.
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This information is provided for educational purposes only. You should consult with your physician and/or pharmacist to discuss if a supplement will be helpful and safe for you. If you have any questions please contact our pharmacists at 435-249-0767 or email us at holtspharm@gmail.com

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